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have you noticed that your fiddle Leaf Fig keeps inching closer and closer to the ceiling lately?

Or maybe on the other hand, you are hoping to encourage that sweet baby to grow fuller and bushier?

just Take a deep breath and thank god you’re here! also stop stressing about accidentally trimming the wrong parts.

We’ll guide you step by step, and soon you’ll be a pro at keeping your fig healthy and stylish!

While we love to see them grow,These beautiful plants can rocket up over 12 feet tall if we let them! so pruning helps keep that vertical reach in check so your fig doesn’t get out of control in your indoor space

Plant Energy Optimization

Trimming the main stem redirects the plant’s energy to branch out instead of growing only upward!

This process also makes room for new leaves and helps your plant stay full and lush all the way down

Compact Fiddle Leaf Fig

tall Fiddle Leaf Fig

Home Decor Vision

It’s simple plant science. Fiddle leaf figs naturally grow tall to reach light, a process called apical dominance. Pruning not only softens this upward growth but also turns it into a perfect plant for your home decor vision!

Compact Ficus lyrata

Fiddle Leaf Fig in home decor

Trimming for health

We also want to prune any branches or leaves that are infected, damaged, or diseased just to give our lovely plant the best shot at health. So out with the bad to make room for the good!

sick plant

sick Fiddle Leaf Fig

What is trimming?

Trimming is the process of cutting back softer growth, such as leaves and stems, to maintain a neat appearance.

Wait for signs of health and growth before pruning your tropical plant! Patience pays off sit back and watch your fiddle leaf flourish!

leaf trimming 🍃

See a sad, yellow leaf? Snip it off anytime you spot one. We don’t want unhealthy leaves sticking around to infect our plant. ✂️ Snip now, no questions asked!

branch pruning 🌿

in winter !? ❄️🚫

When it’s time to trim branches and stems, choose wisely. In winter, our leafy friend takes a break, focusing on rest instead of new growth.

Aggressively pruning limbs while it’s in low gear can stress the plant and shock its system! SO, This might make it sick or even kill the vibe completely. 💀

Spring and summer ☀️✅

When’s the right time for pruning? In spring and summer! That’s when your fiddle leaf is thriving in the light, sprouting new leaves. Trim older branches to guide the young growth, and your plant will bounce back quickly!

the 1 out 10 gradner expert

One of the go-to experts on fiddle leaf figs, MrHouseplant, stated that:

“The best time of year to prune a Fiddle Leaf Fig is any time of year. Unlike outdoor plants that are usually pruned in spring, early summer, indoor plants can be pruned, trimmed, repotted, and propagated anytime.”

What is pruning?

Pruning is the strategic removal of specific plant parts, like branches or buds, to promote plant health, control growth, or shape the plant’s structure.

Now we’ve reached the main topic: how to prune that fiddle leaf fig of yours. First, we need to make sure we have the right tools.

Tools And Equipments

To prune your fiddle leaf fig, grab these tools:

  • Pruning shears or scissors: for small cuts.
  • Loppers: for thicker branches.
  • Gloves: to protect your hands.
  • Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide: to clean your tools.
  • Potting mix: if you’re repotting afterward.
purning tools

fiddle Leaf Fig purning tools

purning instructions

Hey gardening pals! We’ve talked about why, when, and which tools to use for pruning our fiddle leaf fig. Now, let’s dive into the fun part giving this gorgeous giant the haircut it deserves!

Evaluate and Plan for Removal

Get ready with your bypass pruners, a damp rag (these guys can get sticky!), and some old newspaper to catch fallen leaves. Take a close look at the plant for any signs of damage or disease, so you know what needs to go. Remember, keep it gentle – only remove a maximum of 10 leaves per session to avoid shocking the plant. Happy pruning!

purning in the floor

first step in purning the tree : protecting the floor

Begin Snipping

  1. Plan Your Shape: Decide how you want the plant to look.
  2. Time to Cut: When your shaping plan is good to go, start cutting.
  3. Cutting Tips: Trim about 1/2 inch from leaves bitween nods or the main trunk at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Tool Check: Keep your tools sharp for neat cuts.
  5. Stay Clean: Disinfect your tools between cuts to keep the plant healthy.
branches purning

45-degree angle cut

Taming Vertical Growth

If your fig is too tall, find the central trunk and look for raised round bands called nodes.

node explanation

fiddel leaf fig Nodes

Slice diagonally between nodes, and voila! New branches will sprout below, and vertical growth slows.

fiddel leaf fig triming allowed spots

make cut between nodes

Pruning Side Branches

When trimming side branches, look for the raised collar where it meets the main stem. Cut just above the collar at an angle without wounding it.

fiddel leaf fig : side branches purning

Pruning Side Branches

Avoid leaving stubs and remove all cut pieces so they don’t rot.

Don’t Over do It!

And remember – no more than 10% of the plant at once. Small snips here and there keeps a fiddle leaf thriving!

Ficus Lyrata plant Pruning

plant triming


Should I prune my ficus Lyrata?

Certainly, Regular pruning is essential to maintain the health and beauty of your fiddle leaf. It controls growth, promotes bushiness by allowing more light, and allows you to remove damaged parts. So, go ahead and trim strategically!

Should I cut the brown parts off my fiddle leaf fig?

Absolutely! Pruning off any brown, yellow, or dying leaves or branches not only prevents disease, infection, and pests from taking over healthy plant tissue but also maintains an appealing aesthetic. Moreover, no one wants a compromised plant health. Therefore, go through periodically and make small snips to keep things fresh!

Will a fiddle leaf fig grow back if you cut it?

Not to worry – fiddle leaf figs are resilient plants. Even after aggressive pruning, they bounce back more fabulous than ever! The key is to cut at a node so new branches can emerge and don’t remove more than 10% at once. Do that and your fig will reward you with lush regrowth!

Can I cut off the top of my fiddle leaf fig?

Trimming the central stem redirects energy for balanced growth. Additionally, keep track of node points and leave some for regeneration.

What to do when fiddle leaf fig gets too tall?

We feel you – fiddle leaf figs grow fast and tall if left alone! But that’s nothing a little strategic pruning can’t fix. Cutting back the top central stem diffuses that vertical intention while a clear support stake and occasional rotation keeps it even.

How do I make my fiddle leaf fig bushier?

Pruning is your bushy secret weapon! Removing the top directs energy into lower branching so sunlight reaches more nodes and spotlights the base. Positioning new growth outward with clips or ties also helps create that full, flowering shrub effect.

Can i cut my fiddle leaf fig all the way down?

Take it easy! While fiddle leaf figs can recover from extreme pruning, cutting everything off at once can stress them. Trim no more than 1/3 of branches, leaving some nodes for regeneration. Take baby steps for a happy plant!

What happens if you cut the top off a fiddle leaf fig?

Cutting the top of your fiddle leaf fig encourages a bushier appearance! Additionally, it redirects energy horizontally, making the canopy fuller. This, in turn, lets more light reach lower branches for an enhanced look. Follow these easy steps for a lush plant!

Can I prune fiddle leaf fig in winter?

Best not! Your fiddle leaf fig chills out over winter without ample light fueling photosynthesis and growth. Moreover, pruning then adds unnecessary stress by pulling resources it needs for dormancy. Instead, wait for signs of life in spring/summer and prune lightly to shape gently awakening growth.