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If you live in an apartment and want to bring a touch of nature indoors, you’ve come to the right place. Just because you live in a small apartment doesn’t mean you can’t have houseplants. Many believe that growing plants indoors in small spaces is difficult or almost impossible. However, many types and variations of houseplants are considered hard to kill and can survive even if you forget to water them from time to time. Check out these super easy and resilient indoor plants that anyone can grow!

Can you have plants in an apartment?

You can have plants in your apartment; you must be smart about it. “Smart, how?” you may ask. Many people opt for floor pots, but numerous space-saving ways exist to incorporate houseplants in a tiny apartment.

Use Window sills as a shelf. 

Window sills are often overlooked spaces in apartments. Just make sure the plant you’re putting there is light-friendly.

Plants in aparetement 
 window sill

picture by Themeisle

Hang them all

 There are many hanging plants to choose from. Using the ceiling and walls, you’ll gain a lot of viable floor space.

Apartement hanging Plant

Your apartment is more than just a living room.

Plants don’t have to be restricted to the living room; you can put them in the bathroom, kitchen, even in your bedroom—anywhere you like!

bathroom plants for tiny swelling

1. prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura)

prayer plant houseplant

picture by | ayamame_plants

light: indirect sunlight
soil: well-draining, slightly acidic soil
water: Requires regular watering
size: up to 12 inches

The prayer plant is perfect for a houseplant for apartments, especially if you love home decor. Its unique leaf patterns will instantly improve the overall look of your apartment. Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden director Adrienne Roethling says, “They are vibrant, primarily variegated with flashes of red, white, pink, and purple. Depending on the variety, each leaf’s variegation may be streaked, veined, mottled, or margined.”

2. Pilea Peperomioides 

Pilea Peperomioides houseplant

picture by | douffet

light: bright to medium indirect light
soil: 1 cup succulent soil and 1 cup perlite
water: when 75% to 100% of the soil is dry
size: up to 12 inches

The first bathroom houseplant recommendation is Pilea peperomioides, aka pancake or UFO plants. This houseplant, native to the Yunnan province in China, thrives in high humidity, making it an excellent bathroom choice. When watering, allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. If you notice the leaves drooping, it’s a sign that the plant needs water. Places with intense direct light should be avoided as they will burn the fragile leaves.

3. Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa houseplant

picture by | green.hues_

Light: indirect bright light. and avoid strong, direct sunlight
soil: 15% peat moss or coco coir, 15% perlite, 70% pine bark fines
water:  Water every 1-2 weeks
size: 10 to 15 feet and 8 feet wide

Monstera Deliciosa is the perfect companion for the busy apartment dweller. It’s a survivor, capable of enduring periods of underwatering without withering away. However, regular watering is still recommended. Terra Nova Nurseries‘ director of new product development, Chuck Pavlich, assures, “We love Monstera for its low maintenance requirements and carefree nature. The latest varieties are easy to care for and highly attractive, adding color and personality to any interior.” 

Pin Mee !!!

4. Aralia Fabian (Polyscias scutellaria)

Aralia Fabian houseplant

picture by | jomostudio

Light: Indirect light 
soil:  high-quality, well-aerated,well-draining soil.
water:  ones a week 
size: 3-4 feet tall

I have a thing for small tree-looking plants that I can’t explain, and Aralia Fabian is one of them. It’s like the incarnation of feng shui in plant form, bringing natural relaxation to your room like nothing else. This eye-catching plant loves water. Hilton Carter, a plant stylist from Baltimore and the author of Wild Interiors the previous year, says, “When watering it, make sure the pot has a drainage hole and fill it with water until the base tray is filled with it.”

5. Philodendron Narrow  selloum)

Philodendron Narrow houseplant

picture by | casaprotea

Light: bright, indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions.
soil:  well-draining soil. It contains lots of organic matter such as coco coir, perlite, and vermiculite for better drainage.
Water:  twice a week in the growing season, once a week in fall and winter.
Size: up to 60 Cm

Like most Philodendron plants, this one is also low maintenance. Costa Farms horticulturist Justin Hancock says it can easily live for 25 years. This means that the Philodendron Narrow is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a long-term plant companion.

6. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)

Chinese Evergreen houseplant

picture by | greenhousegirl94

Light: low to bright indirect light.
soil:  a well-drained, slightly acidic potting soil, add perlite
Water:  Wait for the top two inches to dry before watering again.
Size: 1 to 3 feet

This tough houseplant is an excellent addition to your apartment’s collection. It’s perfect for beginners because it’s durable and can handle neglect.

The Plant Chica’s founder, Sandra Mejia, says She frequently advises less experienced customers in her Los Angeles store to begin their gardening adventures with Chinese evergreen plants. “They are ideal beginner plants as they need very little care and are difficult to kill.”

7. Ficus Bonsai Tree (Ficus microcarpa)

Ficus Bonsai Tree

picture by | bonsaidobosque

Light: south-facing window sunlight exposure
soil:  60% aggregate, 40% organic matter 
Water:  every 2-3 times in the warm season, once a week in the cold seasons
Size: mature gets up to 60 cm

We can’t discuss the best apartment plants without mentioning some bonsai trees. Bonsai trees will add a relaxing, feng shui, and elegant Japanese touch to your apartment. Besides the vibe improvement that this tree brings, it’s an easy-to-maintain plant that doesn’t require much watering. They thrive in warm temperatures and love indirect sunlight, making them perfect as south-facing windows. Some bonsai trees, like the Ficus Bonsai Tree, bloom in the spring or summer, adding color to your apartment.

Tony O’Neill, an experienced gardener, the creator of Simplify Gardening, and the author of numerous books on bonsai trees says, “.Because it requires bright, indirect light and just moderate watering, it adapts well to house conditions and is a pretty easy plant for newbies.”

8. Dieffenbachia 


picture by | gardencenterzonasul

Light: partial shade, but will tolerate full shade
soil:  not overly moist, fertile, well-drained potting soil rich in peat range. 
Size: 6 to 10 feet tall
Water: twice a week in growing seasons, once every week to 10 days in colder seasons

This is a classic houseplant, but it is a great choice to add to the apartment houseplant collection because it is a maintained plant. The only problem with this plant is overwatering, which can be avoided with well-draining soil. Breck’s houseplant merchandiser Holly Minneman says, “They do tolerate low light conditions fairly well, even though they prefer bright light.” She adds, “They are a great choice as bathroom plants because they perform well in humid conditions.”

9. Bird-of-Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

Light: bright direct sunlight; east or west-facing windows
soil:  25% peat moss /coconut, 25% pearlite, 25% compost, 25% bark
Water: Once every a week or two, allow soil to dry out between waterings
Size: 3.5-6 ft. tall

Suppose you are a person who is more into an urban jungle lifestyle. In that case, this plant is for you, as in one year, a small plant of Bird-of-Paradise will grow up to 1 meter if taken care of; it originates from the southern African forest, so in humid conditions, this plant can bloom. Still, Sharon Yiesla with Chicago’s Morton Arboretum says, “Low indoor light levels won’t bring out the blossoms, but this plant still has really huge, cool-looking leaves. And if you’re searching for a floor plant that would make a great accent piece, it may become extremely large on it.”

10. Weeping Fig  (Ficus benjamina)

Weeping Fig houseplant

picture by | beardsanddaisies

Light: bright; indirect sunlight, some direct sun in the morning can be helpful
soil:  Rich, well-draining potting soil; add peat moss, perlite, pine bark
Water: Once a week, when the top layer of soil is dry 
Size: up to 40 to 50 feet

This elegant plant will be a perfect houseplant for a small apartment. It can reach up to 40 to 50 feet tall. It’s known for its longevity, as it can live up to 50 years if taken care of. Water it once every 4 to 6 days. Because of its rapid growth can require repotting as often as once a year; however, for optimal results, do it in the early spring.

11. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlor Palm houseplant

picture by | aroidbabe_

Light: bright; indirect light, tolerate low light
soil:  high-quality peat-based potting mix 
Water: Once every 1-2 weeks
Size: 3 to 4 feet tall

This plant will help purify and clean the apartment’s air, so besides adding an eye-catching touch of nature, it is suitable for your health. This plant is native to southeast Mexico, which makes it ideal for home conditions. It can even thrive in spaces with little light. A common issue with this plant is dry leaf margins or brown tips. To prevent this from happening, avoid cold drafts or prolonged dry periods.

12. Marble Green Queen (Pothos) 

marble queen pothos houseplant

picture by | suno___yuka

Light: bright indirect light, can tolerate medium to low indirect light
soil:  loose, well-draining, with a fair amount of organic matter
Water: Once every 1-2 weeks
Size: up to 10 ft long, 3 ft wide 

Marble Queen is a must-have houseplant for apartment owners, as it can be placed anywhere – on shelves, floors, walls, ceilings, in a pot, basket, or hanging. You choose what fits you better. Its ability to survive for weeks without watering is a bonus. This beautiful houseplant is eye-catching, with its unique variegated pattern that enhances house decor and adds an elegant touch.

Kaylyn Hewitt, the lead floral designer for The Bouqs, says, “It is an excellent choice for decoration due to the way the white and green variegated pattern gives the leaves a marble look. “

13. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

zz plant as a bedroom houseplant

picture by | amazing__plants

Light: medium to bright indirect light
soil:  slightly acidic pH; fast-draining soil mix 
Water: Once every 2-3 weeks
Size: 2-4 feet tall

Another classic in the house, The ZZ plant, is beloved by many apartment owners. One of its main advantages is its upward growth, making it suitable for small spaces. It is also a pest- and bug-free plant that does not require much light. It only needs to be watered 2 to 3 times a month. Parents and pet owners must know that these plants are poisonous to humans and dogs if consumed.

14. Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco)

Dragon Tree houseplant

picture by | dracaenamarginata

Light: bright indirect light
soil:  loamy; well-draining soil mix, rich in organic matter
Water: Avoid overwatering; let the soil dry out completel
Size: up to 15–20 feet tall

Scratches that itch for me. It doesn’t feel like it’s from this world; it’s beautiful and unique. At first, I thought it would be hard to keep alive, but when I researched it, I discovered it was one of the easiest plants to grow. It can tolerate any level of light and needs the water level in check, and that’s it!

15. Norfolk Island Pine Araucaria heterophylla)

Norfolk Island Pine houseplant

picture by | houseplantjournal

Light: few hours of full sunlight, thrive in medium to bright indirect light
soil:  A sandy, peaty, slightly acidic potting mix
Water: ones every 1-2 weeks
Size: up to 18 feet tall indoor and up to 200 feet outdoor

This is one of the houseplants that release fragrances; it has unique curved needles covering the stem; director of Glasshouse Horticulture with the New York Botanical Garden Marc Hachadourian says, “Norfolk Island Pine can grow up to 8 feet tall indoors if it’s taken care of and provided with the ideal conditions.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best Plant for an Apartement

The best plant for an apartment is one that can thrive in low-light conditions and doesn’t require much space or maintenance. Here are some options:

  1. Snake Plant
  2. Pothos
  3. Spider Plant
  4. Peace Lily
  5. ZZ Plant
  6. Chinese Evergreen
  7. Philodendron
  8. Cast Iron Plant
  9. Lucky Bamboo
  10. Succulents (e.g., Aloe Vera, Jade Plant)

The easiest Houseplant to Keep Alive

The Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria, is widely renowned as the most low-maintenance houseplant due to its resilience, adaptability to various conditions, and minimal care requirements.

The best plant for Bedroom

The Peace Lily is known for its elegant white blooms and exceptional ability to purify indoor air by removing common toxins. It’s low-maintenance and thrives in low-light conditions, making it an ideal choice for bedrooms.

Best Plant For Low Light Apartement

The best houseplant for low-light apartments is the Snake Plant.