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If you’re a flower lover like me, you know the struggle. of wanting more and more flowers, especially those puffball ones that look like little balloons. Yup, those cute blooms are called balloon flowers!

But why do we want extras? Well, more flowers means more gifts for friends. Plus, more decorations for your house. And you can even dry out the blooms. But if you only have a few plants, you’ll be super careful with them instead.

Today, we’ll learn how to propagate balloon flowers. That way, you can have an unlimited number at no cost! It’s easy peasy.

We talked about some of the benefits of propagating Platycodon flowers at the start, but believe me, the list is much longer and more promising. Importantly, it can save you quite a bit of money.

Also read : The Best Platycodon Plant Grow And Care Guide

How can propagating a flower save me a lot of money?

Buying more flowers at your local florist will cost you 300 times more than propagating them from seeds or stem cuttings. Even if prices are low in your area, learning how to propagate is more of a ‘teach me how to fish’ approach than just buying the fish.

In her book ‘The Complete Book of Starting Seeds,’ Barbara W. Ellis explains that propagating balloon flowers lets you make more plants without buying them. It saves money, helps you grow your collection, and allows you to share with friends and family.

And by having more flowers, you will simply have more options to better customize your garden the way you want.

Maybe you want to plant these balloon flowers next to daylilies, or perhaps next to salvias, or maybe next to both. This can’t be accomplished unless you have enough of these flowers to do as you like.


balloon flowers Propagation as a Learning Experience

Every gardener should learn how to propagate their plants. Today we’re going to speak about how to propagate balloon flowers, which are similar to other flowers.

A study by the Mayo Clinic mentions that gardening offers many benefits, such as lowering stress, boosting mood, and promoting physical activity.”

To sum up, there are only three methods, and each one is easier than the other.

  • Seed Propagation
  • By Division
  • Stem Cutting propagation

Collect and Prepare Seeds

Collect the fully mature seeds from your balloon flower plant first. The pods are ready, according to Laura Miller, a volunteer Master Gardener with the University of Illinois Extension, when they are brown and dry. To collect the seeds, simply shake the pods gently into a container.

Store seeds in a cool, dry place like a sealed envelope or airtight container in your refrigerator over winter

sowing and germination

Proper sowing and germination are crucial for thriving plants, says the Royal Horticultural Society. Put the cleaned seeds in a potting mix that drains well. Gently press the seeds into the ground, then spray a thin layer of dirt over them.

If you’d rather buy seeds, make sure to follow any specific planting directions that come with them.

For healthy growth, make sure the seeds always get enough light, stay at a steady temperature, and have moisture. Keep the soil moist all the time. It might take two to three weeks for balloon flower seeds to sprout, but some types might need more time, so be patient.

Taking care of seedlings

When balloon flower seedling start to grow, make sure they have lots of light, water, and nutrients. If overcrowding happens, cut off weaker seedlings using standard gardening techniques.

When the seedlings have multiple sets of true leaves and appear solid enough, it’s time to transplant! If the weather is acceptable, place them in individual pots or straight in the garden.

Following transplantation, make sure to water the new plants on a regular basis. Protect them from harsh conditions so they can grow deep roots in their new home.

Give constant care to your balloon flower seedling. Water them properly, give them enough sunlight, and fertilize as needed based on their growth stage.


Simply put, propagation by division is the act of splitting a mature plant into smaller sections. This is how you do it:

Choose The right time

Since the plant is not actively developing, early spring or late summer are the ideal times to divide it says Old Farmer’s Almanac . Attempts for division at other periods could shock the flower, which could have an impact on its growth or future blooming. It is therefore wise to abide by these suggested hours.

You’ve waited a lot,and now that you’re in the ideal situation, what comes next?

Now, dig up the mature flower from the ground and try not to damage the roots.

Gently divide the root ball into smaller pieces, each with its own set of shoots and roots. You might do this task with a sharp knife or a garden shovel.

Guidance from the Missouri Botanical Garden Divisions. Replanting should be done in soil that is drained well, with the planting hole fixed as needed and spaced according to mature size, which usually means 12 to 18 inches apart.

After planting, correctly moisten each division to help them adapt to their new home.

Give the plant the right level of sun and soil conditions to boost healthy growth.

balloon flowers seedling planting

For me, stem cutting is the simplest and most straightforward method, and here’s how to do it.

Select a healthy stem from the parent plant that is disease- and damage-free. The stems should be green and strong.

Use a sharp, clean pair of scissors or gardening shears to cut a 4-6-inch portion of the stem. Make the cut directly below a node, where the leaves emerge from the stem.

Remove the lowest leaves from the stem cutting, leaving only a few leaves on top. This reduces the loss of moisture and increases root growth.

use the Rooting Hormone

Although this step is optional, in all the years I’ve been propagating different plants, I have never missed it. For me, it’s just important because it speeds up the process and raises the chance of success in propagation.

All you need to do is dip the cut end of the plant into a good-quality rooting hormone, whether it’s in powder or gel form. That’s all!

USING growing hormon on Platycodon grandiflorus

using Rooting Hormone on platycodon grandiflorus

planting the balloon flower stems, cutting

Put the stem’s cut end into a pot with wet potting mix in it. To keep the cutting straight, gently flatten the dirt around it.

And now, start by caring for that baby who is cutting. Provide warmth and light, preferably indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not too wet. You can cover the pot with a plastic bag because this helps the roots grow.

After all this, leave it to time. Once roots start growing, you can transplant it into a larger pot or directly into the garden.


Should I deadhead my balloon flower?

Deadheading isn’t necessary for balloon flowers, but removing spent blooms can promote more flowering.

How do you make a balloon flower for beginners?

Balloon flowers can be grown from seeds or propagated through division or stem cuttings.

How do you propagate flowers from cuttings?

Propagating flowers from cuttings involves taking a portion of a healthy stem and encouraging it to root and grow into a new plant.

Do you cut back balloon plants?

Balloon plants can be cut back after flowering to promote new growth and maintain their shape.

How do you collect balloon plant seeds?

Collect seeds from balloon plants by harvesting mature seed pods when they are dry and brown.

Can cuttings be grown indoors?

Yes, you can grow cuttings indoors as long as they receive adequate light and moisture.

When should you transplant balloon flowers?

Transplant balloon flowers in early spring or late summer when the plant is not actively growing.

Should balloon flowers be cut back for the winter?

It’s not necessary to cut back balloon flowers for winter, but you can remove dead foliage for tidiness.

Why are my balloon flowers turning yellow?

Yellowing balloon flowers may indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies.

Can you cut balloon flowers for a vase?

Yes, you can cut balloon flowers for a vase. They make lovely additions to floral arrangements.

Do balloon flowers smell?

Balloon flowers have a mild, pleasant fragrance, but it’s not very strong.